Rogue Golfers is a Youtube golf channel created to relate to all golfers who love the game, enjoy getting out in the fresh air for a knock about and improving at a personal pace regardless of their handicap
► We review and give our honest opinion on a large variety of golf equipment.
► Try out and share different golf tips, hacks and techniques we have found to help improve our game.
► Vlog some on course rounds with other golfers.
► Have a much fun as possible!
What We Found.
There are many professional and paid promoters out there giving out great tips and advise on Youtube yet we felt there isn’t many golf channels out there that are aimed at your average joe by your average joe, someone you can relate to who enjoys the game but will probably never make it onto the PGA…

Golf Reviews You Can Trust.
So many times we looked at reviews on golf equipment only to find out it was a paid promotional video, which always left us questioning…
“Is this a completely honest review? and what are they not telling us?”
let’s face it nothings perfect! This is where we decided to step in, fill the gap and bring honesty to the average everyday golfer.

Honesty, The Best Policy.
Our promise to you is to give our honest opinion on everything we review, if it’s great we’ll tell you it is and if it’s rubbish you will certainly hear about it!
In The Beginning.
In September 2018, Fint asked Jay if he fancied a round golf, with slight hesitation, but willingness to give it a go they arranged their first ever round of golf, it took that one round for them to catch the bug and fall in love with the game.
They had friends who already played golf and we’re low handicap/scratch golfers, Jay and Fint jokingly said infront of them
“We should give Youtube a go…”
where they got laughed at and told they couldn’t do it as they we’re so rubbish at the game.
It was for that very reason that they both decided to go ROGUE, ignore the naysayers and give it a go and so the journey began…
Couple Of Lads…
We are a couple of regular blokes who can’t get enough of the game… Golf to us is about relaxing, being out in the fresh air and having fun.

“Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening – and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.”
- Arnold Palmer